

Pixel Whirled Screenshot Contest

0 1675
Holmade Games recently reduced the price of their retro game Pixel Whirled to 80 points ($1). To celebrate they are holding a screenshot photo contest. Owners of the full game can enter the contest and take a photo of…

Splosion Man code competition

0 2436
This weeks code competition is one code for the Xbox Live Arcade game Splosion Man. The competition will be a comment based reply, but instead of answering a question on this post we want you to visit the rest…

Perfect Dark code winner

0 1612
We had a great response to our Perfect Dark code giveaway with nearly 150 entries. There were some great stories posted and I read over them all, so thank you to everyone that took the time to tell us…

0 Day Attack On Earth code giveaway (Winner Announced!)

0 1637
UPDATE: determined retweeter 57 of 58 was the winner – Congratulations to @Davicams for winning 0 Day Attack on Earth! We are running a giveaway for a copy of the XBLA game 0 Day Attack On Earth. To…

Blur beta codes giveaway

0 1677
UPDATE – Bryan gave me some more codes to add to the list. I have several Blur beta codes to giveaway below. These codes need to be redeemed on the Blur beta signup page, where afterwards you will receive…

Hypno Vol. 1 code giveaway winners

0 1475
Our code competition for last week was two codes for Hypno Vol. 1, check out our review here.  The first code was the comment reply, all eligible entries were numbered and sKuLLmAn xXx was picked at random by…

Hypno Vol. 1 code giveaway

0 2142
This weeks code competition is for two chances to win the Indie Game Hypno Vol. 1 which we reviewed earlier this week. Read on to find out how to enter.

Toy Soldiers code winner

0 1466
The winner of the Toy Soldiers code was picked by staff member Bryan last night, he used and the winner was tmj with the correct answer being Signal Studios. Congratulations to tmj, you should already have the code…

Starbase Epsilon code winners

0 1781
A good turn out for last weeks Starbase Epsilon code giveaway, it seems everyone likes easy to answer questions. We had seven codes to give away for Starbase Epsilon, four on the comments and three on twitter. Thanks to…

Starbase Epsilon Code Competition

0 2665
This weeks code competition is for the strategy game Starbase Epsilon which Bryan reviewed here last week. We have seven codes to give away so you stand a good chance of winning as I will make this week easy…

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