

Masters of Anima | REVIEW | PlayStation 4

1 5154
Masters of Anima is one of the more enjoyable ‘unknown’ titles that I’ve played this year. Developer Passtech Games has taken inspiration from some rather well-known but somewhat under-appreciated titles of the past, including the Pikmin series on GameCube…

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | REVIEW | Nintendo Switch

0 4854
Nintendo Switch finally received its second AAA title this month with the re-release of Mario Kart 8, retitled Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. You’re wondering if it’s worth double-dipping. Well, the short answer is yes and I’ll tell you…

Super Bomberman R | REVIEW | Nintendo Switch

1 5145
Super Bomberman R was my 2nd most-anticipated title releasing on the Nintendo Switch launch. It’s the first Bomberman release in seven years, since Bomberman Live: Battlefest released on the Xbox 360 via the Live Arcade. Does Bomberman R recreate…

Kid Icarus: Uprising review

0 4206
After 20 years of waiting, Nintendo’s only angel based character Pit is back in his own game. Kid Icarus has a lot to live up to, but is the game heavenly or should it be sent straight to hell?

Tekken 3D – Prime Editon review

0 4625
The 3DS is home two brilliant beat-em ups already. With Dead or Alive and Street Fighter proving that Nintendo’s handheld can compete with console cousins. Now another huge fighting franchise has arrived on the scene. Can Tekken 3D compete…

We Sing Rock review

0 3356
The Wii has seen hundreds of party, singing, minigame compilations, dancing, zumba and the like appearing in the last few years. Usually I despise this type of game and feel hatred for ruining my fav console. Now We Sing…

Mario Kart 7 review

0 3765
Typical, after waiting months for decent exclusive 3DS games, along come Mario 3D Land and now Mario Kart 7. The long running series is now 7 games old. This promises to be the best yet, offering 3D visuals and…

Super Mario 3D Land review

0 3471
The 3DS has been rather thin on the ground for exclusive must-have titles. In fact the best games on the console are the updates of old N64 games. After a long wait, Nintendo have made an original 3DS game…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review

0 4028
At long last the latest installment in the Zelda franchise has arrived. Built specifically for the Wii and making use of the WiiMotion Plus, Skyward Sword promises to be the best entry yet. Is this the Wii game…

Motoheroz review

0 3945
Mixing the best parts of Excitebike and Mario Kart, Motoheroz looks set to be one of the best WiiWare games to date. With the Wii release lineup looking about as healthy as an advert for Unicef, Motoheroz looks like…

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