

Lollipop Chainsaw – Zombie Rocklords Trailer

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A new trailer for Lollipop Chainsaw shows some of the Zombie Rock bosses you will encounter in the game.

Deadliest Warrior – Battle of the Week: Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great

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 Some new screenshots for Deadliest Warrior in a series of Battle of the Weeks, this week is Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great.

Sleeping Dogs – Undercover Hong Kong Trailer

0 1219
The new trailer for Sleeping Dogs goes undercover in Hong Kong.

Lollipop Chainsaw – Voice talent revealed

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Tara Strong, Michael Rosenbaum, Michael Rooker and Shawnee Smith are just some of the voice talent in Lollipop Chainsaw.

BioShock Infinite – Heavy Hitters Part 2: Handyman

0 1391
The second video in the BioShock Infinite Heavy Hitters series takes a look at the powerful, gigantic yet agile Handyman.

Shoot Many Robots Launch Trailer

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Shoot Many Robots launches on XBLA and PSN tomorrow. Here is a trailer to introduce you to the game.

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters gameplay trailer

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The second DLC for Battlefield 3 has its first trailer, set over four close quarters infantry maps with brand new weapons. You can find Battlefield 3 with additional savings here on PC and PS3.

Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad screenshots

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  Some new screenshots for Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad coming to XBLA and PSN.

Street Fighter X Tekken: The Devil Within – Short Film

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The Thousand Pounds Action Company released their live action short film today titled The Devil Within to coincide with the launch of Street Fighter X Tekken this week. Be sure to watch it!

Battlefield 3 DLC announced

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Three DLC packs have been announced for Battlefield 3, the first one to arrive is in June.

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