

Insomniac Games Developing Spider-Man [Exclusively] for PS4!

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Our favorite webhead is back… but this time it looks like he’ll be exclusively on PlayStation 4. Marvel and Sony have partnered up, and they’re hoping to finally make a AAA superhero game.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – “Ship Assault” | PS4 TRAILER

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Call of Duty returns, was there ever any doubt? Here’s the surprising factor though – it actually looks pretty awesome this time around.  The E3 trailer is what should have been shown to initially unveil this game.

God of War | E3 TRAILER

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Sony opened their E3 conference with one hell of a hurrah. Plus, they’ve gone in a pretty new yet promising direction with one of their most beloved franchises – God of War.

Final Fantasy XIV – Revenge of the Horde | TRAILER

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Revenge of the Horde (Patch 3.3) will arrive on the 7th of June for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. This massive update will bring new main scenario quests, Beast Tribe quests and more. Check out the extremely lengthy…

No Man’s Sky Delayed, Now Arrives in August

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This was slightly unexpected. After seeing so much of the game in action, and so much coverage in recent months, Hello Games has pushed back No Man’s Sky to the end of the summer season. 

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands | We Are Ghosts | TRAILER

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A new trailer has surfaced for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands.  It’s been just over four years since the release of the last entry in the franchise, Future Soldier, which wasn’t the best received title in the series.…


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Releasing this summer, I Am Setsuna aims to be the next Chrono Trigger-esque RPG from Square Enix. This new trailer definitely carries a similar vibe to that of the classic RPG from the Super Nintendo era. 

Final Fantasy XV – Yoshitaka Amano “Big Bang” Art Video

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Here’s a video showcasing some digital artwork from Square Enix’ upcoming, and much-anticipated RPG, Final Fantasy XV.

The Witcher 3 – Blood and Wine, Developer Diary

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Blood  and Wine launches May 31st (the day after my birthday… for anyone looking to buy me stuff), and we can hear a little more about it from the team members behind the game in this new developer diary.

HITMAN – Episode Two: Sapienza | Launch Trailer

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The new episode of HITMAN is coming on April 26th, but Square Enix has just released the new trailer for the upcoming episode. Check it out below.

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