
Upcoming reviews and some other stuff

This site has been open for just over a month and was originally a small experiment on running a games blog, so I thought I would post an update on what I have planned. I have been kept very busy with reviews of XBLA and Indie Games and over the coming couple of weeks I will be working on clearing the backlog of games to review.

On the list to review are Wacky Karts, AtomHex, Gum Drop Celestial Frontier, Track Architect, Trino and some games being released in the near future. To help clear the backlog I have enlisted the help of a friend Matthew, who after will also be occasionally reviewing games. This should hopefully allow us to write reviews soon after release instead of a couple of weeks after release as it currently is.

If you have an Indie Game and would like for us to review it please get in contact with me. I would like to post more previews on forthcoming games so please drop me a mail with some information about your game, a few screenshots and/or videos would be great.

Also, we have banner advertisements for Indie Games where you can get your game advertised for at least one month here in return for a game token or two, we use the token(s) to review the game or give away as a promotion. More information can be found here.


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