
Runic code competition winners

Before announcing the winners I would like to remind people that using multiple accounts to make multiple entries for the competition is against the rules and you will be banned from this and all future competitions. Over the weekend one person used several accounts to enter the competition, it is easy to spot so please do not do it.

Now onto the good news, the winners! First up is the comments based competition, all you had to do was tell us your three favourite things. The winner was picked at random and is neoKEN with his three favourite things being playing xbox 360 online, playing sports and trying new things.

The second code was the Twitter based retweet, after going through all the entries looking for multiple accounts I numbered the remaining entries and PriusGuy2004 was picked at random.

Congratulations to both winners, please check your email or DM shortly for the code. I will have a new code competition starting later today for a copy of Goblyn Stomp which I reviewed yesterday.


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