
Starbase Epsilon Code Competition

This weeks code competition is for the strategy game Starbase Epsilon which Bryan reviewed here last week. We have seven codes to give away so you stand a good chance of winning as I will make this week easy to enter 🙂 Read on to find out how to enter.

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Codes 1 to 4: The first four codes are for the comments based entry. All you have to do this week is answer the following question:

What Xbox 360 game are you playing?

The game can be indie, xbla or retail as long as its for the 360. Reply below in the comments and I will pick four winners at random after the deadline on Sunday 28th February 23:59:59.

Codes 5 to 7: The final three codes will be given away via Twitter, to enter simply follow me (@emuholic) and Retweet the following message:

RT @emuholic Seven codes to giveaway for the indie game Starbase Epsilon, visit for how to enter. #epsilon #xblig

I will pick the three winners at random after the deadline on Sunday 28th February 23:59:59.

Rules and Information

– The deadline to submit your entry is Sunday 28th Feb. at 23:59:59 GMT. The winners will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be notified within 24 hours.

– Include your correct email address in the field if entering the comment giveaway as this will be used to contact you if you win, the email address is not shown to the public.

– Please only enter once per code giveaway; once in comments and one retweet. Multiple entries and using multiple accounts may be banned from this and future competitions.

– You MUST be following me (@emuholic) if you are entering by Twitter, your entry will be disqualified if you are not following me.

– Anyone may enter but please remember that the token may not be redeemable if Indie Games are not available in your country. No alternatives will be offered, you can either give the code back to us and we will pick another winner or you can give it to someone else.


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