
NinjaBee Reveals A World of Deathlings

A World of Keflings players, rejoice. NinjaBee just announced an all-new gameplay mode which can be unlocked through an in-game emote and it allows players to play  “A World of Deathlings”.Here’s the official release from NinjaBee:

Unlock “A World of Deathlings” Today on XBLA

Keflings to Bust a Cap

OREM, Utah – Apr. 1, 2011 – It’s been along time coming for the happy-go-lucky Keflings. Today, it’s payback time. NinjaBee announced that it released a patch today that unlocks the long-missing combat in A World of Keflings, turning your avatar’s peaceful tiny helpers into raging ‘Deathlings.’

All players have to do to activate the new feature is log into A World of Keflings and perform an in-game emote.

“Really, who wants to play an RTS where there’s no combat?” said Brent Fox, Art Director at NinjaBee. “That would just be stupid. Not a lot of people know this, but making Keflings the easy-going game it is now was just a big mistake. We meant the original game to be like Age of Empires, Warcraft or Starcraft, but somebody messed up and forgot to build in the combat. I blame our QA department.”

Core gamers eat your heart out.





Happy April Fool’s courtesy of NinjaBee


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