
Humble Indie Bundle #3 is now live!

Indie fans – we have some great news for you! has just gone live with their third Indie bundle of games. Once again, you can choose your own price and pay what you want for these titles.Each Humble Bundle has sold thousands upon thousands of copies of their included games, and this new bundle has sold over 1,000 copies during the few moments it’s taken me to write this post. You can pay as little as a penny or as high as you’d like. Please, take into consideration the time and money that it costs developers to make these games and the work it takes to set up these bundles for your convenience.

The latest bundle includes:

  • Crayon Physics Deluxe
  • Cogs
  • Hammerfight
  • And Yet It Moves

While I haven’t tried any yet, I have heard that VVVVV is a great title along with And Yet It Moves which is supposedly fantastic. Have you tried them? Let us know what you think in the comments or talk to us on Twitter!


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