
Battlefield 3 novel to be written by Andy McNab


EA announced today that the Battlefield 3 novel will be written by ex-SAS Andy McNab.

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Andy McNab is also working with DICE to ensure the authenticity of the game. That is him in the photos above, I liked the second photo especially as it looks like he is about to break out in to a dance. The books launch will coincide with the games release on October 28th.

The book tells the back-story of RU Special Forces operator Dima, one of the hero soldiers featured in the Battlefield 3 single-player campaign narrative. Having first-hand experience of the drama and trauma of real war, McNab and co-author Grimsdale bring an authentic voice and heart-wrenching perspective to the story. Like the game, the novel is charged with documentary intensity, high octane action, and ripped-from-the-headlines incursions. Battlefield 3: The Russian paints a picture of a soldier struggling to do whatever it takes to keep himself, and his platoon, alive.


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