Both Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Ni no Kuni will be playable at this years Eurogamer Expo in September.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the highly-anticipated sequel to 2000’s legendary Tekken Tag Tournament, and is heading to home consoles with all the action seen from the arcades along with unique content and features that won’t be seen anywhere else.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a unique fantasy RPG developed by Level-5, the studio behind Dragon Quest VIII and IX and the Professor Layton series. The game features animations produced and cut-scenes supervised by the legendary Japanese animation company, Studio Ghibli.
We are very excited to be showcasing two exciting titles from our line-up for 2012/2013,” said Namco Bandai Partners UK Director of Marketing & PR Lee Kirton. “Tekken Tag Tournament brings some incredible new gameplay styles for the franchise with brand new modes, an incredible roster of characters and the most involved and detailed training mode ever created for the genre. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of the most beautiful games we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. It’s already causing quite a stir within the gaming world with its blend of superb gameplay from Level-5 and incredible animations produced and supervised by legendary Japanese animation company, Studio Ghibli. It’s exciting that we can have both games hands on at the Expo.
Eurogamer Expo takes place on 27th-30th September 2012 at Earls Court, London. More information can be found at