Until next week, the operators are only available to Season Pass holders and will be available to purchase for others starting February 9th, 2016. The new operators will be available to purchase through either a substantial amount of ‘renown’ which can be earned by simply playing the game, or through R6 credits which can be purchased using your hard-earned cash. You could of course opt to purchase the Season Pass as well, since it’s an affordable price.
I’ve had a few chances to try out Frost and Buck, as well as play on the new Yacht map. So far, I’m pretty happy with the overall quality. The Yacht, frozen in the Canadian arctic waters, is a big change of scenery and offers so many new vantage points around the outside of the ship. You’re bound to get lost sneaking throughout the shop as there’s so many hidden corridors and rooms scattered everywhere. I haven’t played every mode on it yet, but it feels properly balanced on both sides of the spectrum.
Frost. She’s awesome – I love her from what I’ve played. Her special trap ability is pretty solid since the traps can’t be detected and you can place them virtually anywhere. I’ve found it best not to place near windows or in plain line of sight though since they’re not too durable and can easily be destroyed. I usually end up placing them around a corner where I don’t expect the enemy will see them. If you catch an enemy, it will put them in ‘last stand’ mode where you’ll need to either kill ’em or use ’em as bait to kill their teammate.
Buck. Not my favorite but a cool addition to the game nonetheless. I personally feel that his shotgun recoil is all over the place compared to the other shotties in the game, but admittedly I haven’t even upgraded his loadout yet, so I’ll see how it is after that. His special is a toggled under-barrel shotgun that you can use for a quick and easy breach or a close-quarter kill. Not quite as unique as some other operators’ skills, but useful in most situations.
To learn more on the new operators, map, and overall changes in this new patch, check out this link.