

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians Review

0 1884
Today sees the release of Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians by developer Threaks.  In the below video we review the music-based-action-adventure which has a real Rayman: Legends vibe.

Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers Review

0 2050
We review Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers the latest game from the Magic series. This release sees the introduction of a new game mode which allows you to build your deck before battle.

Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within review

0 1795
We review Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within which is the latest adventure game from Deck 13 published by Nordic Games. Buy it at Visit the homepage at

Alien Spidy Review

0 1814
The Steam Chamber takes a look at the platform action game Alien Spidy in their latest video review.

Strike Suit Infinity Review

0 1706
The Steam Chamber takes a look at Strike Suit Infinity, the new horde mode game, from Born Ready Games.

Dead Island: Riptide Review

0 1837
The Steam Chamber staff just returned from a trip to an island for a few weeks. The locals are dead friendly said the travel agents…. 

Review: Sacred Citadel

0 1897
The Steam Chamber review of Southend’s side-scrolling brawler Sacred Citadel is now available to watch. You can purchase Sacred Citadel on Steam here, visit the homepage for more details on the game.

Evoland Review

0 1641
The Steam Chamber takes a look at Evoland from, Shiro Games, a new genre hopping rpg style homage to classic gaming.

Review: Special Forces: Team X

0 2256
Special Forces: Team X is a mix of styles; cell shaded graphics gives a lighter feel to the game, exploding heads and chainsaw wielding maniacs adding a touch of humour and team based mechanics finish the mix with a…

Review: Magic the Gathering 2013 – Return to Ravnica

0 1946
Magic the Gathering 2013 received its first expansion pack, Return to Ravnica. If you’re interested in some new cards to expand your decks, it may be worth a look. Of course the DLC offers a little more than just…

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