
Indie Games Round Up May 8th

Thirteen new releases in just four days! A good mix of releases with some puzzle, arcade and shooters to work your way through.

Attack of the verbose dinosaurAttack of the Verbose Dinosaur is a word based puzzle game. You play the character of a dinosaur who is on the rampage and must create words out of characters and use them to destroy buildings. The larger the word the more destruction of the building it causes. It is quite a fun game but I would have liked to have seen a larger choice of letters as I could usually only manage short three letter words. If you are in to word based puzzle games this is worth checking out. Attack of the Verbose Dinosaur costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

Avatarfever capture the spiceAvatarFever Capture the Spice is a two to four player game so unfortunately I was unable to play the game. From what I could see on the trailer it is a multiplayer capture the flag game. No idea if it is any good or not so if you give it a try please let us know in the comments. AvatarFever Capture the Spice costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

BattlewormsBattleWorms is a single player game of Battleships, but instead of ships you must locate the opponent’s Worms. The trial did not give a good impression as the location selection was automated for the trial version. This is probably one to avoid as there are better Battleship themed games available on Indie Games. BattleWorms costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

Dust DevilsDust Devils is a survival twin stick shooter game. You are on Mars and must defend yourself against the waves of incoming martian bugs. Graphics are colourful and look great and the action is a good pace with occasional visits to the store to upgrade your weapons. Support for two player co-op is also included. Dust Devils costs 80 :MSPoints: and at this price it is well worth checking out, more information can be found here and a trailer on page 2.

FumboFumbo is an African themed puzzle game. The aim is to replace the tiles on the board so that all the four side colours match. It is actually quite a tricky game to play and gives a good challenge, either that or I am stupid 🙂 Nice presentation and the music is pretty cool as well. Fumbo costs 80 :MSPoints: and is well worth further investigation if you like puzzle games. More information can be found here and a trailer on page 2.

GentlemachoGentlemacho is a 2D platform game. The game starts in a olden days film style and looks great. Unfortunately once you get into the game you are left with a fairly ropey side scrolling platform game that I couldn’t get to grips with. Enemies were tricky to kill as you must hit them with your moustache which was tricky to do. Gentlemacho costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

Grabby Grabby Plushy PlushyGrabby Grabby Plushy Plushy is based on the fairground grabbing hook game. You control the grabbing hook and must retrieve the shown items to complete the level within a time limit. I think the game is more for younger kids so if you have some that need to be kept quiet for a bit this could be worth checking out. Grabby Grabby Plushy Plushy costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

KaptureKapture is an arcade shooter that sees your character flying planes, driving in car chases and on foot in commando style missions. A good variety of level design breaks things up nicely and there is support for two players if you need some help. I found the first mission a little tricky as it looked like some enemies that were out of the screen were still able to shoot at you. We will have a full review of the game soon but in the meantime check it out here. Kapture costs 80 :MSPoints: and a trailer can be found on page 2.

Labyrinth of slowLabyrinth of slow (translated name) was not available to download on the UK marketplace, Japan and US only, so I was unable to play this game. From the title description it is a 3D dungeon adventure game where you must rescue trapped girls. I think all the text is in Japanese so is probably why it is supposed to be in Japan only? Labyrinth of slow costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

Moon TaxiMoon Taxi is essentially a space flight game. You fly a Moon Taxi and you listen to your passengers story. Keywords from the story being told appear in space and you must fly into them to collect space dust. It is a very relaxing game and as far as I know an original idea. The stories are interesting and fun and this is a game that you have to play the trial at least. Moon Taxi costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

Murky HorizonMurky Horizon is part Tower Defence part twin stick shooter. You must defend your base against the waves of flesh eating lizards and in between the waves build up your defences by placing towers. The game looked to be quite fun but I noticed that building a wall around all the base with just one entrance for the enemies made the game very easy and I was able to breeze through the waves. It may get harder later in the game but it did seem quite easy in my opinion. We will have a full review for the game soon. Murky Horizon costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

PushyPushy is a puzzle game for one or two player co-operatively. The aim of the game is to meet the requirements such as collecting all the coins, destroying enemies by pushing blocks on them or simply destroying all the blocks. You control your avatar and meet the requirements by moving around the area pushing or pulling blocks and collecting items. It is a fairly good game and well worth checking out if you like puzzle games. Pushy costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

Retrofit OverloadLast but not least is Retrofit – Overload which we previewed earlier this week. Retrofit – Overload is based on the classic arcade game Galaxians that has been modernised with up to date graphics and faster gameplay. Waves of enemy craft fly in formation on the screen and you must destroy them, preferably in a chain to earn more score. The game is fun but it was lacking music which would have really lifted the game. If you like retro style shooters you should enjoy this one, we will have a full review of the game soon. Retrofit – Overload costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found on page 2.

I missed The Perfect Pickup Line in this round up as I forgot to download it, so I will include it in the next round up.

Titles that have received either a update or price change are iRiS 2.0 – Visualizer Studio and RC Racing 360.

Trailers for the new releases can be found on page 2.


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