We have Caps4stix to give away to four lucky readers. Read on for the details.
If you are not familiar with Caps4stix, they are soft rubber caps which fit on top of your Xbox, PlayStation or Wii analog controllers to provide extra grip and protect from wear and tear. We reviewed them last week (see here), they work great and are very cheap to buy! Visit the homepage at http://www.caps4stix.com/.
[singlepic id=5370 w=320 h=240 float=center]
We have four Caps4stix to give away so we are splitting the entry methods in to three ways to ensure everyone can enter. You can enter all three but only once each!
Competition 1 (Two prizes) – Send us your photos!
Have your controller analogue sticks lost all grip like in the above photo? We want to see your controller as proof! If they are not that worn out you can still enter as one prize will be given for a random photo, the other will be given for the best (or should that be worst?) worn out controller. You can submit your photo the following ways:
– By Email to competitions@gamergeddon.com
– By Twitter – Tweet @Gamergeddon and include a link to your photo.
Please only submit your own photo, no stealing from the internet! If possible please include a printout or handwritten text ‘Caps4stix’ or ‘Gamergeddon’ somewhere in the photo as proof it is yours.
Competition 2 (One prize) – We Like Facebook
If you have not already joined our Facebook page, simply ‘Like’ our page at http://www.facebook.com/Gamergeddon. Once you have done that, ‘Like’ our competition post on the Wall, you can add a comment if you wish to. One winner will be chosen at random after the deadline.
Competition 3 (One prize)- Twitter
This is a simple twitter RT entry, follow @Gamergeddon and post the following message. Please do not use the ‘retweet’ button to enter as we can not always see all the entries!
RT @Gamergeddon For your chance to win 1 of 4 Caps4stix visit http://bit.ly/caps4stixcompo. Three different ways to enter! #Caps4stix.
One winner will be chosen at random after the deadline.
Rules and information
– The competition deadline is Tuesday 12th April 23:59:59 UK time (BST)
– You can enter all three competitions but only once each.
– Photo entries may be republished on the site.
– The competition is open to anyone worldwide. We will send the prize by standard mail, we will not be responsible for lost or damaged prizes.
– General competition rules can be read here.